Letter [r] Press Interview

Small Po[r]tions

Check out this interview my fellow Letter [r] Press editors and I did with Natalie Singer-Velush for the University of Washington Bothell – After the MFA blog. We discuss the beginnings of the press, what it was like to work on the press and journal while attending graduate school, our process of selecting work, what we plan for the future of the press, and more!11891496_10152955542708204_2607968640808689906_o
The editors and author: Sarah Baker, LB, Travis Sharp, Aimee Harrison, Terri Witek (the author of Letter [r] Press’ first chapbook “On Gavdos Ferry) and me (Tracy Jane Gregory)

Small Po[r]tions – Issue 5

Small Po[r]tions

Letter [r] Press, the small press I am an editor at, has just released Issue 5 of Small Po[r]tions! If you aren’t familiar, Small Po[r]tions is this tiny experimental journal filled with works of all genres. When I say all, I mean poetry, prose, visual art, vispo, video poems, and anything else that starts with a ‘v’ or ‘p’, apparently!

I have a link to the online Issue 5 up there, but if you want to buy a print copy (that has more and different pieces than the online journal), click here!

I bid you adieu with a screen shot of the online issue’s front matter. Ain’t it pretty? I helped make that! 🙂

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